This Year’s Trend in Japan is 1% Alcoholic Drinks for Some Godforsaken Reason

A week or so ago, I noticed that Kirin was running weird commercials advertising a new drink called Butterfly (バタフライ), which contains 1% alcohol.

The flavors of Butterfly available are “Take It Easy! Apple” (気楽にいこう!アップル/Kiraku ni ikou! Apple), “Let’s Go! Ginger” (ゆけ、ゆけ!ジンジャー/Yuke, yuke! Ginger), and “Happy-Go-Lucky Tea” (のんきに紅茶/Nonki ni koucha). They sound good, but unfortunately I can’t sample them, because they’re full of artificial sweeteners, which I am allergic to.

While I was wondering what kind of people would drink 1% alcoholic beverages (lightweights, I guess), I noticed that Suntory also had its own 1% alcohol, “The O.N.E.,” with commercials starring Lily Franky (リリー・フランキー) and Kiko Mizuhara (水原希子):

Does two make a trend?

By the way, The O.N.E. doesn’t have artificial sweeteners, so I could drink it, but the only flavors available are lemon (レモン) and grapefruit (グレープフルーツ), which are pretty standard, so it doesn’t seem worth it to drink them for only 1% of drunk.

But if you’re someone who usually can’t handle the booze, you might want to check these out.

One comment

  1. Maybe these drinks would be best drank as an alcoholic beverage at BREAKFAST?
    … or should a good breakfast drink be fortified with more alcohol than a regular beer?

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